Contact Information
Tel: 509-375-3951 (office)
Ph.D. (Digital Photogrammetry). The Ohio State University http://www.osu.edu/. Department of Civil & Environmental Eng. & Geodetic Science. March-2004. Advisor: Prof. Toni Schenk. http://gscphoto.ceegs.ohio-state.edu/members.php
Ph.D. Dissertation
· “On The Suitability Of Conic Sections In A Single-Photo Resection, Camera Calibration, and Photogrammetric Triangulation”. The photogrammetric activities are expanding to accommodate features other than points, such as straight-line, in the photogrammetric solution. In this work, I formulated the class of conic sections as computational entity for the solution of single-photo resection, camera calibration, and photogrammetric triangulation. The conceived formulation is realized within the current understanding of the elements of digital photogrammetry. Theoretical and practical contributions to the state-of-the-art are accomplished. For example, a deep understanding and analysis to the conic fitting and automatic extraction is demonstrated. And in particular, it also offers a deep understanding of the underlying principles of 3-D reconstruction of conic sections from images. To the best of our knowledge, this understanding led to the first successfully demonstrated conics-based photogrammetric triangulation in which conics were used as control and tie features and no points were involved in the triangulation solution. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi?osu1073186865
M.Sc. (Digital Photogrammetry). The Ohio State University.
Department of Civil & Environmental Eng. & Geodetic Science, June-2000.
Graduate Student Projects
Ph.D. (Digital Photogrammetry). The Ohio State University http://www.osu.edu/. Department of Civil & Environmental Eng. & Geodetic Science. March-2004. Advisor: Prof. Toni Schenk. http://gscphoto.ceegs.ohio-state.edu/members.php
Ph.D. Dissertation
· “On The Suitability Of Conic Sections In A Single-Photo Resection, Camera Calibration, and Photogrammetric Triangulation”. The photogrammetric activities are expanding to accommodate features other than points, such as straight-line, in the photogrammetric solution. In this work, I formulated the class of conic sections as computational entity for the solution of single-photo resection, camera calibration, and photogrammetric triangulation. The conceived formulation is realized within the current understanding of the elements of digital photogrammetry. Theoretical and practical contributions to the state-of-the-art are accomplished. For example, a deep understanding and analysis to the conic fitting and automatic extraction is demonstrated. And in particular, it also offers a deep understanding of the underlying principles of 3-D reconstruction of conic sections from images. To the best of our knowledge, this understanding led to the first successfully demonstrated conics-based photogrammetric triangulation in which conics were used as control and tie features and no points were involved in the triangulation solution. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi?osu1073186865
M.Sc. (Digital Photogrammetry). The Ohio State University.
Department of Civil & Environmental Eng. & Geodetic Science, June-2000.
Graduate Student Projects
· On The Suitability Of Conic Section In A Single-Photo Resection, Camera Calibration, and Photogrammetric Triangulation, Ph.D dissertation, The Ohio State University, (2001-2003).
· Linear Modeling of Orientation and Calibration Procedures. The Ohio State University, (1999-2001).
· Model-Based Autonomous Interior Orientation. The Ohio State University, (1998-1999).
· Calibration of CCD Frame Camera. The Ohio State University, (1997-1998).
B.Sc. (Honor: Surveying Engineering: Majoring in Photogrammetry). University of Khartoum, Sudan. Department of Surveying Engineering, Feburary-1993. http://www.uofk.edu/
Undergraduate Student Project:
· Bundle Adjustment with Self-Calibration. B.Sc. project, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
Research Interests
· Analytical, digital, and theoretical Photogrammetry
· Computer Vision·
. Image Understanding
· Remote Sensing
· GIS -Geographical Information Sciences
Current Research Topics
· Automatic matching and alignment of GIS Vector data and High Resolution Satellite Imagery.
· Modeling of the Scale-Space Information.
· Modeling of the Non-Linearity of the Photogrammetric Orientation Algorithms.
Work Experience
Senior Research Scientist, Computational & Information Sciences Directorate, Knowledge Transformation & Integration Group, Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), United States Department of Energy (US DOE). July 2001-Present.
· Leading R&D in Geospatial Sciences & Technologies.
· Co-organizer of PNNL Workshop on Unified Autonomous Registration. Feb-17-2005.
· Organizer of PNNL Seminar-Series on Image Understanding. January-2002 to March-2002.
· Mentor junior scientists as well as graduate and undergraduate interns.
· Conduct presentations for the DOE and other National Laboratories, NASA, Academia, and private industry, as well as other organizations.
Instructor, Washington State University Dept. of Environmental Engineering. 2002-to-Present:
· Taught Analytical & Digital Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, & Map Projections to undergraduate seniors and Masters students.
Teaching & Graduate Research Associate at the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng. and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University. 1996-2001.
· Performed research in the areas of Digital Photogrammetry, Analytical Photogrammetry, Adjustment Computations, and Pattern Recognition.
Teaching Assistance at the Dept. of Surveying Eng. University of Khartoum, Sudan. 1993-1996:
· Conducted Land Surveying and Computer Programming.
Survey Engineer at Al Obiedly Contracting Company, Khartoum, Sudan. 1993
Programming Skills
Gamal Seedahmed, Lou Martucci, & Peter Doucette (2005). Automated Alignment of Spatial Data Sets Using Geometrically Invariant-information & Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC). (Filed in March-29th-2005). US Patent No. 20060241898. http://www.freshpatents.com/Automated-alignment-of-spatial-data-sets-using-geometric-invariant-information-and-parameter-space-clustering-dt20061026ptan20060241898.php (Pending).
1. Seedahmed G. (2006). Direct Retrieval of Exterior Orientation Parameters Using A 2-D Projective Transformation. The Photogrammetric Record, 21(115): 211-231. Abstract: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1477-9730.2006.00381.x
2. Seedahmed G. and A. Ward. (2005). Scale-Space Mutual Information for Textural-Patterns Characterization. Published in the 8th Conference of The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) on Computer Graphics & Imaging. August 15-17-2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 6 pages. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). Abstract: http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=21370
3. Seedahmed G. and L. Martucci, (2004). Autonomous Conflation of Vector-to-Image. Proceedings of the First User Conference of Visual Learning Systems, Missoula, Montana September-15th-2004. 6 pages. http://vls-inc.com/topics/conference/Seedahmed.pdf
4. Seedahmed G. (2004). On The Suitability Of Conic Section In A Single-Photo Resection, Camera Calibration, and Photogrammetric Triangulation. Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 138 p.
5. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2003). Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. (Invited paper). Published by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) as technical paper.
6. Seedahmed G. and L. Martucci, (2002). Automated Image Registration Using Geometrically Invariant Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC). In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.isprs.org/commission3/proceedings02/papers/paper113.pdf
7. Seedahmed G. (2002). Image Registration Scheme Using Hough Transform. In: The Annual Report of Pacific Northwest national Lab, Prepared for the US Dept. of Energy (DOE), Richland/WA: 418-420.
8. Seedahmed G. and A. Habib, (2002). Two New Algorithms to Retrieve the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria, (Peer-Reviewed Paper).
9. Seedahmed G. and A. Habib, (2002). Linear Recovery of the Exterior Orientation Parameters in a Planar Object Space. In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria, (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.isprs.org/commission3/proceedings02/papers/paper123.pdf
10. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2002). Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. The 15th International Conference on Vision Interface. May 27-29, 2002, pp. 282-287, Calgary, Canada. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.cipprs.org/vi2002/pdf/s5-7.pdf
11. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2002). A Linear Approach to a Single-Photo Resection in a Planar Object Space. XXII FIG International Congress, April 19-26, 2002, Washington, DC, USA.
12. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2001). Direct Linear Transformation in the Context of Different Scaling Criteria. In Proc. ASPRS. Ann. Convention, St. Louis, USA.
13. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2001). Comparative Study of two Approaches of Deriving the Camera Parameters from Direct Linear Transformation. In Proc. ASPRS. Ann. Convention, St. Louis, USA.
14. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2000). Model-Based Autonomous Interior Orientation. In ISPRS Intern. Archives, vol. 33 part 3/2, pp. 823-830, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
15. Seedahmed G., T. Schenk, and D. Merchant, (1998). Experimental Results of Digital Camera Calibration. ISPRS, Intern. Archives, vol. 32, part 3/1, pp. 91-96, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Technical Reports
2. Seedahmed G. and A. Ward. (2005). Scale-Space Mutual Information for Textural-Patterns Characterization. Published in the 8th Conference of The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) on Computer Graphics & Imaging. August 15-17-2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 6 pages. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). Abstract: http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=21370
3. Seedahmed G. and L. Martucci, (2004). Autonomous Conflation of Vector-to-Image. Proceedings of the First User Conference of Visual Learning Systems, Missoula, Montana September-15th-2004. 6 pages. http://vls-inc.com/topics/conference/Seedahmed.pdf
4. Seedahmed G. (2004). On The Suitability Of Conic Section In A Single-Photo Resection, Camera Calibration, and Photogrammetric Triangulation. Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 138 p.
5. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2003). Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. (Invited paper). Published by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) as technical paper.
6. Seedahmed G. and L. Martucci, (2002). Automated Image Registration Using Geometrically Invariant Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC). In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.isprs.org/commission3/proceedings02/papers/paper113.pdf
7. Seedahmed G. (2002). Image Registration Scheme Using Hough Transform. In: The Annual Report of Pacific Northwest national Lab, Prepared for the US Dept. of Energy (DOE), Richland/WA: 418-420.
8. Seedahmed G. and A. Habib, (2002). Two New Algorithms to Retrieve the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria, (Peer-Reviewed Paper).
9. Seedahmed G. and A. Habib, (2002). Linear Recovery of the Exterior Orientation Parameters in a Planar Object Space. In the Archives of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, Symposium 2002, Photogrammetric Computer Vision, September 9-13, 2002, Graz, Austria, (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.isprs.org/commission3/proceedings02/papers/paper123.pdf
10. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2002). Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model. The 15th International Conference on Vision Interface. May 27-29, 2002, pp. 282-287, Calgary, Canada. (Peer-Reviewed Paper). http://www.cipprs.org/vi2002/pdf/s5-7.pdf
11. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2002). A Linear Approach to a Single-Photo Resection in a Planar Object Space. XXII FIG International Congress, April 19-26, 2002, Washington, DC, USA.
12. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2001). Direct Linear Transformation in the Context of Different Scaling Criteria. In Proc. ASPRS. Ann. Convention, St. Louis, USA.
13. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2001). Comparative Study of two Approaches of Deriving the Camera Parameters from Direct Linear Transformation. In Proc. ASPRS. Ann. Convention, St. Louis, USA.
14. Seedahmed G. and T. Schenk, (2000). Model-Based Autonomous Interior Orientation. In ISPRS Intern. Archives, vol. 33 part 3/2, pp. 823-830, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
15. Seedahmed G., T. Schenk, and D. Merchant, (1998). Experimental Results of Digital Camera Calibration. ISPRS, Intern. Archives, vol. 32, part 3/1, pp. 91-96, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Technical Reports
1. Martucci LM, GH Seedahmed, GM Petrie, and GG He (May-2005). Geometrically Invariant-Information and Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC): An Automated Spatial Data Registration Methodology. Prepared by The Pacific Northwest National Lab for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Project No. 41373.
2. Ward AL, JK Linville, JM Keller, an GH Seedahmed (Jan-2005). 200-BP-1 Prototype Hanford Barrier Annual Monitoring Report. Prepared by The Pacific Northwest National Lab for the US Dept. of Energy. Report No. 14960. http://www.pnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-14960.pdf
· Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Journal. http://www.asprs.org/
· Optical Engineering Journal.
· The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) http://www.iasted.org/
Book Reviews
· Li, Z., Zhu, Q. Gold, C., 2005, Digital Terrain Modelling: Principles and Methodology, CRC Press. http://www.isprs.org/publications/bookreview/LietalBookReview.pdf
· How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Zbigniew Michalewicz
· Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
Professional Affiliations
· Technical Committee Member of The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (Robotics & Applications Committee: Computer Vision) (IASTED). (2004-2007).
· Active contributor to the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, (ISPRS). http://www.ipf.tuwien.ac.at/isprs/wgiii1/members.html
· Active contributor to the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Commission III, (ISPRS). http://www.ipf.tuwien.ac.at/isprs/wgiii1/members.html
1. Invited presentation and paper in The Second User Conference of Visual Learning Systems, Inc (The developer of Feature Analyst). Presentation Title: Autonomous Conflation of Vector Data and High Resolution Imagery Using Linear Features, Missoula, Montana September-2005.
2. Invited presentation and paper by The National Institute of Health (NIH), Human Developmental Anatomy Center. Presentation Title: Autonomous Registration of Human Embryo Images Using Geometrically Invariant-information & Parameter Space Clustering (GIPSC), Washington DC, USA, July-2005
3. Invited presentation and paper in The Second User Conference of Visual Learning Systems, Inc (The developer of Feature Analyst). Presentation Title: Autonomous Conflation of Vector Data and Low Resolution Imagery Using Point Features, Missoula, Montana September-2004.
4. Invited paper by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers on the Camera Calibration from linear models. Dearborn, Michigan, USA, Feb. 2003.
5. Invited by the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing to give a presentation in the camera calibration panel on the Calibration of Digital Cameras. Washington DC, USA, 2000.
Honors & Awards
1. Mentors Award. US Department of Energy. (August-2006).
2. Mentors Award. US Department of Energy. (August-2005).
3. Outstanding Performance. Pacific Northwest National Lab. (May-12th-2005).
4. Duane Brown Junior Award for Photogrammetry. The Ohio State University (Nov-2004).
5. Outstanding Performance. Pacific Northwest National Lab. (Nov-2004).
6. Graduate Professional Award to present a paper. The Ohio State University, (2001).
7. Graduate Professional Award to present a paper. The Ohio State University, (2000).
8. The Best Final Year Student. Fifth Year-University of Khartoum, Sudan, (1993).
9. Best Performance. Fourth Year-University of Khartoum, Sudan, (1992).
Useful Links
6. Graduate Professional Award to present a paper. The Ohio State University, (2001).
7. Graduate Professional Award to present a paper. The Ohio State University, (2000).
8. The Best Final Year Student. Fifth Year-University of Khartoum, Sudan, (1993).
9. Best Performance. Fourth Year-University of Khartoum, Sudan, (1992).
Useful Links
1. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. http://www.isprs.org/
2. NASA http://www.nasa.gov/
3. USGS http://www.usgs.gov/
- Recommended books to read in Photogrammetry
1. Digital Photogrammetry. http://www.terrascience.net
2. Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry Edward M. Mikhail, James S. Bethel, J. Chris McGlone
3. Close Range Photogrammetry: Principles, Techniques and Applications Thomas Luhman, Stuart Robson, Stephen Kyle, Ian Harley, S. Robson, S. Kyle, I. Harley
4. Calibration and Orientation of Cameras in Computer Vision A. Gruen (Editor), Thomas S. Huang (Editor), Thomas S. Huang (Editor)
5. Digital PhotogrammetryYves Egels, Michel Kasser
6. Elements of Photogrammetry with Applications in GIS Paul R. Wolf, Bon A. DeWitt
7. Digital Aerial Survey: Theory and Practice Ron Graham, Alexander Koh, Alexander Koh
8. Photogrammetric Mapping U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Staff
9. Geoinformation: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographical Information Systems Gottfried Konecny, Konecny Konecny
10. Digital Photogrammetry: An Addendum to the Manual of Photogrammetry by Clifford W. Greve (Hardcover - April 1997)
11.Manual of Photogrammetry by American Society of Photogrammetry (Hardcover - Jun 1980)
- Recommended books to read in Computer Vision
1. Computer Vision George Stockman, Linda G. Shapiro, George C. Stockman
2. Emerging Topics in Computer Vision Gerard Medioni, Sing Bing Kang
3. Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision Richard Hartley, Andrew Zisserman, Andrew Zisserman
4. Robust Computer Vision: Theory and Applications (Computational Imaging and Vision) by N. Sebe and M.S. Lew
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